"The Fall of the House of Usher"

A brief story analysis Prepared by: Quiza S. Tamudmud (English III-A)

TITLE: The Fall of the House of Usher 

AUTHOR: Edgar Allan Poe

AUTHOR'S BACKGROUND: Edgar Allan Poe is an American short story writer, poet, critic, and editor. He was awarded a hall of fame in (1910). He wrote many short stories and poems in the horror genre. One of the main reasons why his works focus on crime, suspense, thriller, and horror because of his life experiences. Where at some point, he encountered various tragedies and those are reflected in his writings. 

SETTING/S: Perhaps, around the 19th century, the location resides at a forbidding mansion. In a forlorn countryside. It has begun at dusk on an autumn day earlier time. 


Narrator- The story "The Fall of the House of Usher" was being told in its first person by an old friend of Roderick Usher. Since the story before was unnamed. 

Roderick Usher: The narrator of the said story. 

Madeline Usher- Roderick Usher's twin sister. She's not often seen in the story. But her presence and actions remained mysterious to the readers. 

PLOT SUMMARY: As the unnamed narrator has arrive, at the usher's mansion, which he had never visited before, it has been immediately struck by how creepy and mysterious the place was. Afterward, he encounters both the family of the physician and the valet. And by that, he explains his relationship with Roderick Usher. Though he had not seen Roderick in many years their relationship didn't change. The narrator was summoned by Roderick Usher, who sent him a letter telling him about his both physical and mental illnesses and told the narrator that he might be uplifted by the narrator's visit.

As the narrator spends a great deal of time in the House of Usher, he sees Roderick seem to lose touch more with reality. in this case or situation, Madeline dies soon after Roderick tells the narrator that she soon will. They bury her below the house in a tomb. 

 The narrator reads Roderick, he seems to hear the same types of sounds described in the story around him in real life. Roderick tells the narrator that he has heard a bizarre sound for days and has been afraid that they buried Madeline alive.


As we noticed, one of the main purposes of "The Fall of the House of usher" is to provoke readers' fear. Poe, the writer does this through the eerie story and its characters, even personifying the house to make the reader feel fear. Moreover, to evoke terror, the story uses words that are horrifying and terrifying to the eyes and imaginations of the readers. And it is quite normal since his literature focuses on DARK ROMANTIC LITERATURE which it has pure level prevalent throughout the story. 


  • Madness
  • Isolation
  • Fear
  • Identity
  • Family

  1. IRONY (Madeline was very weak in life, but after her death and resurrection, she was very strong and was able to kill her brother). 
  2. SYMBOLISM (A small crack was found in the house, and this leads and symbolizes the breaking apart of their family).
HIDDEN MEANING: What made this story create hidden meaning, because of Madeline who is one of the Characters in the Story. Her role and actions have a hidden meaning that the readers need to apprehend carefully in order to fully intuit the flow of the story. Her suspicious and mysterious characteristics lead her to become fearless and made her revenge. while Roderick Usher's mind of being afraid represents FEAR. He might lose and even worst, leads his death.


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